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Ady Mifarizki


Hi! I’m Ady, an English teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro, Lampung, Indonesia. I hold a master’s degree from Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta and specialize in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).

In 2016, I joined an International Exchange Program at the University of Saint Anthony (USANT), Philippines, broadening my perspective on global education. Passionate about innovation, I continually explore creative teaching strategies to improve students’ language skills.

Beyond teaching, I serve as Vice Principal for Facilities and Digital Marketing, driving school growth through modernization. On the side, I create content on YouTube and TikTok, supporting individuals with anxiety to rebuild confidence and resilience.

Let’s connect and inspire better learning together!

  1. State Islamic Collage Jurai Siwo Metro –  Undergraduate Program (2008 – 2014)

    I studied in English Education Program.

  2. Ahmad Dahlan University  – Master Graduate Program (2014 – 2016)

    I studied in English Education Program.

  3. Saint Anthony University, Irigra Philippine (2016)

    International Collaboration in Research Design for Thesis Accomplishment.

  4. Nanyang Polytechnic – Singapore (2023)

    International Program Leaders in STEM & Digitalization, facilitated by TEMASEK Foundation and Primary and Secondary Education Muhammadiyah Central Board.

  1. Instructure Marvelous, Pare – Kediri (2010 – 20211)

  2. Instructure and Founder ABC English Course, Metro – Lampung (2011 – 2013).

  3. Instructure in Eureka English Center, Metro – Lampung (2013 – 2014)

  4. Instructure in Gama Exacta – Yogyakarta  (2015 – 2016)

  5. Instructure in Fabelia, Pare – Kediri (2016 – 2017)

  6. Instructure in Science Society, Mataram – Lombok (2017 – 2018)

  7. Adjunct Lecturer in Universitas Wirabuana Metro – Lampung (2018 – Present)

  8. Instructure in Balai Latihan Kerja Komunitas (BLKK) Ahmad Dahlan Metro – Lampung (2019 – Present)

  9. Teacher in Lower Secondary School Ahmad Dahlan Metro – Lampung (2018 – Present)
    1. Graduated with Distinction Master’s Degree Program, GPA 3.82 Ahmad Dahlan University (2016)

    2. Fastest Graduate of Virtual Coordinator Training Batch 3, Lampung (2019)

    3. Awarded as Outstanding Creative Teacher during the 2021 National Teachers’ Day (HGN) and the 109th Muhammadiyah Anniversary by the Muhammadiyah Principals Forum (FKSM) of Metro City, Lampung (2021)

    4. Awarded a Short Course International Program Leaders in STEM & Digitalization, facilitated by TEMASEK Foundation and the Muhammadiyah Central Board for Primary and Secondary Education. (2023)

    5. Awarded as Innovative Teacher 2024 by the Education Council (Majlis Dikdasmen) of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership of Metro City. (2024)

    6. First Winner of GTK Innovative of Guru SMP, Jambore GTK Hebat Provinsi Lampung. (2024)

    7. Silver Medal of GTK Innovative SMP in Olimpiade Mu Berprestasi Nasional (OMBN), Semarang (2025)
  1. Jurai Siwo English Club – Creative Division (2012)

  2. Founder ABC English Course. (2011)

  3. Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Zone 3, Ahmad Dahlan University. (2015)

  4. Member of Pemuda Muhammadiyah Kota Metro, 2023 – Present.

  5. Founder Innovative Educator Community. (2024 – Present)

  6. Vice Principle in Facilities of Lower Secondary School Ahmad Dahlan Metro, 2023 – Present.

Do everything with sincerity, perseverance, and full dedication, seeking only the pleasure of Allah SWT. InshaAllah, everything will be accomplished with happiness. Keep learning and accepting everything that has been decreed by Allah SWT. - Ady M