Dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, salah satu aspek penting yang perlu dikuasai adalah kosakata yang berkaitan dengan berbagai jenis ruangan. Pemahaman yang baik mengenai nama-nama ruangan dalam bahasa Inggris tidak hanya membantu dalam situasi sehari-hari tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi secara keseluruhan. Artikel ini akan membahas 300 lebih nama nama ruangan dalam bahasa inggris beserta arti dan contohnya, kami berikan kalimat untuk setiap kosakata agar lebih mudah, digunakan, dipahami, dan diingat.
Dengan menguasai kosakata ruangan dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya akan sangat bermanfaat, terutama jika Anda sering berinteraksi dalam lingkungan berbahasa Inggris atau sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk bepergian ke luar negeri. Berikut adalah beberapa kosakata penting yang sering digunakan, lengkap dengan contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris:

Daftar Nama Ruangan Beserta Arti dan Contohnya
Tentu! Berikut adalah daftar kosakata yang dimodifikasi dengan contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris untuk setiap kata:
Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia Contoh Kalimat anteroom ruang depan We waited in the anteroom before the meeting started. armory gudang senjata The ancient castle has a hidden armory filled with old weapons. assembly room ruang pertemuan The school’s assembly room was packed for the annual concert. attic loteng We stored the old furniture in the attic. backroom ruang belakang He went to the backroom to find the documents. ballroom ruang dansa The grand ballroom was decorated beautifully for the wedding reception. basement ruang bawah tanah We converted the basement into a home theater. bathroom kamar mandi The bathroom is down the hall to your left. bedroom kamar tidur She decorated her bedroom with fairy lights and posters. boardroom ruang rapat The boardroom was reserved for the quarterly review meeting. boiler room ruang kamar ketel The boiler room is off-limits to unauthorized personnel. boudoir kamar kerja She arranged her makeup neatly in her boudoir. breakfast nook sudut sarapan They enjoyed their morning coffee in the cozy breakfast nook. breakfast room ruang sarapan The breakfast room overlooks the garden. cabin kabin We stayed in a cabin by the lake for our vacation. cell sel The prisoner was locked in a small cell. cellar gudang di bawah tanah The wine cellar is stocked with vintage bottles. chamber ruangan The king’s chamber was adorned with luxurious fabrics. changing room ruang ganti She left her clothes in the changing room while she went swimming. chapel kapel They got married in a small chapel on the hill. classroom kelas The teacher welcomed the students to the new classroom. clean room ruangan bersih The laboratory has a clean room for sensitive experiments. cloakroom penitipan pakaian You can leave your coat in the cloakroom. cold room ruang dingin The cold room is used for storing perishable goods. common room ruang bersama The students gathered in the common room to relax and chat. conference room ruang konferensi The conference room is equipped with a projector and a large screen. conservatory konservatori The conservatory is filled with exotic plants and flowers. control room ruang kendali The engineers monitored the operations from the control room. courtroom ruang sidang The judge entered the courtroom to begin the trial. cubby tembem Each student has a cubby to store their belongings. darkroom kamar gelap She developed the photos in the darkroom. den sarang The den is a cozy space for reading and relaxing. dining room ruang makan Dinner will be served in the dining room at 7 PM. dormitory asrama The college dormitory houses hundreds of students. drawing room ruang tamu They entertained their guests in the elegant drawing room. dressing room ruang ganti The actors prepared for the show in the dressing room. dungeon penjara bawah tanah The castle dungeon was dark and damp. emergency room ruang gawat darurat He was rushed to the emergency room after the accident. engine room ruang mesin The crew worked tirelessly in the engine room to keep the ship running. entry jalan masuk The grand entry welcomed guests with a beautiful chandelier. family room ruang keluarga They watched movies together in the family room. fitting room kamar pas She tried on the dress in the fitting room. formal dining room ruang makan resmi The formal dining room was set for a five-course meal. foyer lobi The hotel foyer was decorated with modern art pieces. front room ruang depan The front room of the house is used as a reception area. game room ruang permainan The game room is equipped with a pool table and video games. garage garasi He parked his car in the garage. garret loteng The artist lived in a small garret overlooking the city. great room kamar yang bagus The great room has high ceilings and a large fireplace. green room ruang hijau The performers waited in the green room before going on stage. grotto gua The hidden grotto was a peaceful retreat. guest room kamar tamu The guest room is ready for visitors. gym Gym She goes to the gym every morning to exercise. hall aula The concert was held in a large hall. hallway lorong The hallway was lined with family photos. homeroom wali kelas The students meet in their homeroom at the start of each day. hospital room kamar rumah sakit She spent a week recovering in the hospital room. hotel room ruang hotel The hotel room offered a stunning view of the city. inglenook tempat dekat tungku The inglenook was a cozy spot by the fireplace. jail cell sel penjara The criminal was confined to a small jail cell. keep menyimpan The castle’s keep was its most secure and fortified part. kitchen dapur She cooked a delicious meal in the kitchen. kitchenette dapur kecil The apartment has a small kitchenette. ladies’ room ruang wanita The ladies’ room is located on the second floor. larder lemari makan The larder was stocked with jars of homemade preserves. laundry room ruang cuci baju The laundry room has a washer, dryer, and ironing board. library perpustakaan She borrowed a book from the school library. living room ruang keluarga They spent the evening watching TV in the living room. lobby lobi The hotel lobby was bustling with guests. locker room ruang loker The athletes stored their gear in the locker room. loft loteng The loft was converted into a cozy bedroom. lounge ruang santai They relaxed in the lounge after a long day. lunchroom ruang makan siang The employees gathered in the lunchroom for their break. maid’s room kamar pembantu The maid’s room was located next to the kitchen. mailroom ruang surat The mailroom was busy sorting packages. men’s room ruangan pria The men’s room is down the hall to the right. morning room kamar pagi She enjoyed her breakfast in the sunny morning room. motel room kamar motel They stayed overnight in a small motel room. mud room kamar lumpur The mud room helps keep the house clean by providing a space to remove dirty shoes. newsroom ruang wartawan The newsroom was buzzing with the latest breaking news. nursery kamar bayi The nursery was decorated with colorful murals. office kantor He spent most of his day working in his office. operating room ruang operasi The patient was taken to the operating room for surgery. panic room ruang darurat The panic room was built to ensure safety during emergencies. pantry sepen The pantry was stocked with canned goods and snacks. parlor ruang tamu The guests were entertained in the parlor. playroom kamar bermain The children spent hours in the playroom. pool room ruang kolam renang They went into pool room to have swimming practice.
Terimakasih sahabat, tentunya artikel ini bertujuan untuk membantu pembaca memahami nama nama ruangan dalam bahasa inggris beserta arti dan contohnya. Dengan menguasai kosakata ini, Anda akan semakin siap untuk berkomunikasi dalam berbagai situasi dan konteks. Selamat belajar!