Sebelumnya kita udah bahas soal istilah dalam dunia perhotelan. Nah, di mana pun dan kapan pun kita berada, komunikasi yang baik itu penting banget. Kalau pakai bahasa Indonesia sih gampang, itu kan bahasa sehari-hari kita. Tapi gimana kalau harus ngomong dalam bahasa Inggris? Bisa jadi tantangan kalau belum terbiasa.
Makanya, belajar lebih dalam soal percakapan bahasa Inggris, terutama di rumah sakit, itu bermanfaat banget.
Ke rumah sakit itu hal biasa, tapi sering kali kita kebingungan saat harus ngomong dalam bahasa Inggris. Ada banyak contoh percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris di rumah sakit yang bisa kita pelajari, seperti saat tanya ke resepsionis, ngobrol sama perawat, atau diskusi sama dokter.
Berikut ini beberapa istilah bahasa Inggris dalam dunia medis yang sering dipakai dan bisa membantu kita saat berada di rumah sakit:
- Appointment – Janji temu. Contoh, “I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at 10 AM.”
- Symptoms – Gejala. Misalnya, “I have been experiencing flu-like symptoms.”
- Prescription – Resep obat. Contoh, “The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.”
- Diagnosis – Diagnosis. Misalnya, “The doctor’s diagnosis was that I have a viral infection.”
- Treatment – Pengobatan. Contoh, “The treatment involves taking medication and resting.”
Paham dan menguasai istilah-istilah ini bakal sangat membantu kita saat komunikasi di rumah sakit, apalagi di luar negeri. Jadi, nggak perlu bingung atau cemas lagi saat harus ngobrol sama tenaga medis dalam bahasa Inggris. Yuk, terus belajar dan latihan biar makin mahir!
Berikut ini kamiberikan sebuah percakapan ataupun conversation dalam bahasa inggris yang menggukan istilah dalam dunia medis agar kamu bisa paham dan mengerti ya, sekaligus kami berikan artinya supaya mudah dipahami dan dihafalkan.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Ruang Dokter Kulit
Cintia: Excuse me, could you tell me where the dermatology clinic is? I just need to take my son in for a medical check-up.
(Maaf, bisa tolong beri tahu di mana klinik kulit? Saya perlu membawa anak saya untuk diperiksa kesehatannya.)
Assistant: Sure, it’s on the second floor. You can take the elevator up.
(Tentu, kliniknya di lantai dua. Anda bisa naik lift.)
Cintia: Where is the elevator?
(Di mana lift-nya?)
Assistant: Just go straight ahead, and you’ll see it on the left. Once you’re on the second floor, turn right, and you’ll find the dermatology clinic. There will be a receptionist to help you.
(Jalan lurus saja, dan Anda akan melihatnya di sebelah kiri. Setelah di lantai dua, belok kanan, dan Anda akan menemukan klinik dermatologi. Akan ada resepsionis yang akan membantu Anda.)
Cintia: So, the clinic is to the right of the elevator, right?
(Jadi, kliniknya di sebelah kanan lift, kan?)
Assistant: Exactly.
(Betul sekali.)
Cintia: Great, thank you!
(Baik, terima kasih!)
Assistant: You’re welcome.
(Before the dermatology clinic)
(Sebelum di klinik dermatologi)
Cintia: Hi, can we see the dermatologist, please?
(Halo, bisakah kami bertemu dokter kulit?)
Receptionist: Of course. Do you have your child’s ID card?
(Tentu saja. Apakah Anda membawa kartu identitas anak Anda?)
Cintia: Yes, here it is. He’s here for a skin check-up.
(Ya, ini dia. Dia datang untuk pemeriksaan kulit.)
Receptionist: Thanks. Please have a seat over there. We’ll call your child’s name when it’s his turn.
(Terima kasih. Silakan duduk di sana. Kami akan memanggil nama anak Anda saat gilirannya tiba.)
Cintia: Okay, is there a long wait?
(Baik, apakah harus menunggu lama?)
Receptionist: Not really, there’s only one person ahead of your child.
(Tidak juga, hanya ada satu orang di depan anak Anda.)
Cintia: Awesome, thanks a lot.
(Hebat, terima kasih banyak.)
Receptionist: No problem, happy to help.
(Tidak masalah, senang bisa membantu.)
Kumpulan Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris dalam Istilah Kesehatan
No Kosa Kata (Bahasa Inggris) Arti (Bahasa Indonesia) Contoh Kalimat (Bahasa Inggris) 1 Diabetes Penyakit gula darah He was diagnosed with diabetes last year. 2 Heart failure Gagal jantung Heart failure is a serious medical condition. 3 Pregnant Hamil She is eight months pregnant. 4 Impotence Impotensi Impotence can affect a man’s quality of life. 5 Infection Infeksi The wound developed an infection. 6 Cancer Kanker Cancer treatments have advanced significantly. 7 Cataract Katarak She had surgery to remove the cataract. 8 Punctured heart Kebocoran jantung A punctured heart requires immediate surgery. 9 Blindness Kebutaan Blindness can be caused by several factors. 10 Deafness Ketulian Deafness can be congenital or acquired. 11 Conjunctivitis Konjungtivitis Conjunctivitis is commonly known as pink eye. 12 Critical Kritis, koma The patient is in critical condition. 13 Melanoma Melanoma Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer. 14 Punctured lung Paru-paru basah A punctured lung can be life-threatening. 15 Broken bone Patah tulang She has a broken bone in her arm. 16 Department Unit, bagian He works in the cardiology department. 17 Ward Bangsal She was admitted to the surgical ward. 18 Waiting room Ruang tunggu Please wait in the waiting room. 19 Doctor Doktor The doctor will see you now. 20 Matron Juru rawat The matron oversees all the nurses in the hospital. 21 Personnel Personal The hospital personnel are very professional. 22 Surgeon Ahli bedah The surgeon performed a successful operation. 23 Orderly Kerapihan The orderly ensured the room was clean and tidy. 24 Consultant Konsultan A consultant was called for a second opinion. 25 Hospital bed Kasur rumah sakit The patient was resting in the hospital bed. 26 Drip Alat pengobatan The nurse set up the IV drip. 27 Accident and Emergency department Unit kecelakaan dan unit gawat darurat (UGD) He was taken to the Accident and Emergency department. 28 Ear, nose, and throat department Unit THT (telinga, hidung, tenggorokan) She has an appointment at the Ear, nose, and throat department. 29 Medical chart Kartu catatan medis The doctor reviewed the medical chart. 30 Specialist Spesialis She is a heart specialist. 31 Nurse, sister Suster The nurse will check your vitals. 32 Flannel Kain She used a flannel to clean the wound. 33 Medical tests Uji medis He underwent several medical tests. 34 CT scan CT scan The CT scan showed no abnormalities. 35 Diagnosis Diagnosa, diagnosis The diagnosis was confirmed after several tests. 36 Examination Pemeriksaan The doctor conducted a thorough examination. 37 Referral Rujukan The patient was given a referral to see a specialist. 38 X-ray Sinar X The X-ray revealed a fracture. 39 Blood test Tes darah He had a blood test this morning. 40 Procedure Prosedur The procedure will take about an hour. 41 Amputation Amputasi Amputation was necessary to prevent further infection. 42 Surgery Bedah She is recovering from surgery. 43 Operation Operasi The operation was a success. 44 Plaster cast Pembalutan luka He has a plaster cast on his leg. 45 Remove Pemindahan, penyambungan The doctor will remove the stitches next week. 46 Transplant Transplantasi, pencangkokkan He is waiting for a kidney transplant. 47 Exercise Latihan Regular exercise is important for recovery. 48 Rest Istirahat You need to get plenty of rest. 49 Recuperation Penyembuhan Her recuperation is going well. 50 To exercise Berlatih He needs to exercise daily. 51 Physiotherapy Fisioterapi She is undergoing physiotherapy for her knee. 52 Therapy Terapi The therapy sessions are helping a lot. 53 Bump Bengkak He has a bump on his forehead. 54 Diarrhea Diare She is suffering from diarrhea. 55 Symptoms Penyakit, wabah The symptoms of the flu include fever and cough. 56 Bruise Bekas luka He has a bruise on his arm. 57 Deafness Ketulian She was born with deafness in one ear. 58 Ache Sakit He has a stomach ache. 59 Sick Sakit She is feeling sick today. 60 Numb Mati rasa His fingers are numb from the cold. 61 Swelling Pembengkakan The swelling in her ankle has gone down. 62 Blurred vision Penglihatan kabur He complained of blurred vision. 63 Dizzy Pusing She felt dizzy after standing up too quickly. 64 Rash Ruam, bintik merah He developed a rash after eating the peanuts. 65 Headache Sakit kepala She has a severe headache. 66 Pain Sakit, menyakitkan He is experiencing chest pain. 67 Allergy Alergi She has a peanut allergy. 68 Allergic Bersifat alergi He is allergic to pollen. 69 Kidney failure Gagal ginjal He is being treated for kidney failure. 70 Liver failure Gagal hati Liver failure can be life-threatening. 71 Bronchitis Bronkitis She was diagnosed with bronchitis. 72 Blind Buta He has been blind since birth. 73 Miscarriage Keguguran She had a miscarriage last year. 74 Gangrene Kematian jaringan tubuh Gangrene set in after the injury. 75 Handicap Cacat The accident left him with a handicap. 76 Blood poisoning Keracunan darah Blood poisoning requires urgent treatment. 77 Disability Ketidakmampuan He has a disability that affects his mobility. 78 Fever Demam She has a high fever.